Streamlining Codebase, Mastering useContext, and Deployment Research: A Day in Coding

Day 116 of #365DaysOfCode & day 16 of #100DaysOfPython

Hello everyone! Today, I want to share the progress made on my ongoing project and the insights I have gained.

Cleaning Up the Codebase

First things first, let's talk about the backbone of any project - the codebase. Today, my priority was to streamline my codebase to enhance its readability and performance. I put a significant amount of effort into:

Refactoring for efficiency: Functions and components were analyzed and rewritten to ensure optimal performance.

Improving code readability: Best practices for indentation, added meaningful comments, and renamed variables for clarity and understanding.

Eliminating dead code: Any part of the code that was redundant or not being used was removed to maintain cleanliness.

Why use Context?

Consider a scenario where you have a large application with nested components. You might have data at the top level that you need to pass down into a deep child component. Passing props from component to component is not only tedious but also makes the code hard to read and manage. This is where Context comes in, allowing us to pass data directly to any component we need.

Unpacking useContext

React's Context API has been a game-changer in managing state and passing data around in a React application. Today, I had the chance to use useContext.

I implemented useContext to establish a UserTypeContext. This context helps the application determine whether the current user is a 'client' or a 'freelancer'. The UserTypeContext was then made available to all child components, negating the need for prop drilling and providing a more efficient state management solution.

Researching Deployment Platforms

Lastly, I researched deployment platforms for my project. I weighed the pros and cons of various platforms like Heroku, AWS, and Netlify, looking into factors such as scalability, cost, ease of use, and support for different tech stacks. This will help me make a better decision when it comes time to deploy my application, ensuring it is readily accessible and provides a seamless user experience.

In parallel, I continued my Python course by practising nested data structures and building an auction program. It was an exciting day filled with a lot of learning and coding!